Alr bro i have to say it, Ngl your art sucks bro, You went from V10 V11 and V12 to shit stuff, Honestly, V14 is good, V15 the arms are horrible, he has toddler hands, you barely shaded him having the blaster on his face, so much to where it looks like half of his face is ,missing instead of him having a blaster over his face, those feet are horrible for normal terror and i swear to god hes fatter than sans, not bulk, fat, the shirt rips are so stiff i though it was my cock, like bro shouldnt the shirt rips be falling downwards instead of straight outwards, this man looks more like a terror fanon au then an actual AU. This looks like Cherry's artwork from when cherry was ash.

Alr bro i have to say it, Ngl your art sucks bro, You went from V10 V11 and V12 to shit stuff, Honestly, V14 is good, V15 the arms are horrible, he has toddler hands, you barely shaded him having the blaster on his face, so much to where it looks like half of his face is ,missing instead of him having a blaster over his face, those feet are horrible for normal terror and i swear to god hes fatter than sans, not bulk, fat, the shirt rips are so stiff i though it was my cock, like bro shouldnt the shirt rips be falling downwards instead of straight outwards, this man looks more like a terror fanon au then an actual AU. This looks like Cherry's artwork from when cherry was ash.

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Description: 4 Days Left

CREATOR ID: 2fbf6b
AGE: 1 year old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator