I thought it over. And... Terrie's right. It's for the best if I leave. I came to the US, in search of growing my art skills. What goal would that be if I denied it?... So... I made up my mind. I WILL be leaving on December 14. My... "Sweet 16. " lol... and I'm sorry to say that really nothing could/can change my mind. Leaving is what's best for me. - Gunther.

I thought it over. And... Terrie's right. It's for the best if I leave. I came to the US, in search of growing my art skills. What goal would that be if I denied it?... So... I made up my mind. I WILL be leaving on December 14. My... "Sweet 16. " lol... and I'm sorry to say that really nothing could/can change my mind. Leaving is what's best for me. - Gunther.

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CREATOR ID: 038bf1
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Don't mention it, just wanted to tell you how to add a little "pizzaz" in the drawing.

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