Reinforced Amethyst Battle Axe

Reinforced Amethyst Battle Axe

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Description: Credit to the person who made the original frame of the axe. This Axe is not just an average battle axe, it can also create energy using sound or just by recharging it with an activated amethyst Crystal. Using the energy it can serve as a long range and close combat weapon, however the it has a cool down if you use all of the energy in it without recharging it, making the Axe power down, which requires an Amethyst block. The energy in the axe makes it do more damage in close combat and allows you to use more energy based attacks from a longer range. When the axe powers down it loses its buffs and lowers its damage to the equivalent of a diamond axe. Also, as an ultimate attack, you can throw the axe at enemies, this attack is only activated if the axe hits the enemy, if it misses then it comes straight back with no energy used. However if it does land the hit, it will make a huge explosion, blowing up nearby blocks. This move completely drains the axe however. So be sure to save it for times that you really need it. If You're seeing this then please add this to the Minecraft mod I'm not gonna say it this time tho, cuz it would take too long cuz i have to go back and recorrect every spelling mistake there.

CREATOR ID: cda540
AGE: 1 year old
BASED ON: Battle Axe

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