Am i the only one exited for Dark Deception Monsters and Mortals and Dark Deception in general?

Am i the only one exited for Dark Deception Monsters and Mortals and Dark Deception in general?

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Description: Lore: Nosk is a mysterious shape-shifting infected beast hunting throughout Deepnest. It can mimic the shape of faces it finds in the memories of bugs, usually loved or departed ones, and contort its body to assume the smaller frame of its lures. It hangs its preys from the ceiling within its lair at the bottom of Deepnest including Dirtcarvers, a Stalking Devout and various Vessels. Nosk is one of only three known infected creatures with no thoughts from the Dream Nail, the others being the Broken Vessel and the Shadow Creeper.

CREATOR ID: d9ae9c
VIEWS: 288
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: *Forever wandering clueless of what just happened while searching for more victims**

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