Exuseith thou young homosapien, with the skin coulour representing a famous sutious comidial family, but due to a a great quantity of unwanted murder includeing another creature made of magical calcium and shares the same Dioxyrionucleic acid as me , i amd sad to inform you any period of time after this moment will be filled with immense pain and suffering, somewhat like the pain and suffering you put me through exept more physycal and witha basketball jargon. -ComicSanz

Exuseith thou young homosapien, with the skin coulour representing a  famous sutious comidial family,  but due to a a great quantity of unwanted  murder includeing another creature made of magical calcium and shares the same Dioxyrionucleic acid as me , i amd sad to inform you any period of time after this moment will be filled with immense pain and suffering, somewhat like the pain and suffering you put me through exept more physycal and witha basketball jargon. -ComicSanz

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CREATOR ID: a82578
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Added sans sprites -ComicSanz

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