I can see you understand the voice thing, but how'd you know I was dead once? And to answer your question, there was some kind of gas released that somehow brought the dead back to life, myself included.

I can see you understand the voice thing, but how'd you know I was dead once? And to answer your question, there was some kind of gas released that somehow brought the dead back to life, myself included.

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Description: | Name: Vesin Deadman | Age: 15 | Species: Human | LV: TBD | HP: TBD | ATK: TBD | DEF: TBD | A previous enemy of PAM, looking for reform. Murdered long ago, attached himself to Chris's mind, brought back to the realm of the living by Shadow's MERCY gas. | Pansexual | Ambient Theme: TBD | Battle Theme: TBD \\Lovely base sprite made by the equally lovely Derp!\\

CREATOR ID: 90896a
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: New Soul Split and Soul Shatter added!

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