(fix)*O.D.S.T. 17-4 Staff Sergeant Victor "Burn" Rensha(with new desc)*-Pathfinder

(fix)*O.D.S.T. 17-4 Staff Sergeant Victor "Burn" Rensha(with new desc)*-Pathfinder

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Description: Victor Rensha, was born on the 31st of August, 2517 on the world Harvest, a UEG Agriculture World located in the Epsilon Indi system, he lived a pretty average colony life, he programed machines to plant and harvest crops, he helped fix them when they broke down, and he dreamed of being a UNSC general one day, commanding armies all day long, one day on February 3, 2525, The Covenant attacked Harvest, wiping out nearly all of the planets population, a few UNSC Marines stationed on Harvest at the time had managed to rescue Victor and his family, a Police Officer, and a few other civilians. Victor, knowing some smugglers that run a small cargo business, he instructed the pilots to fly to the opposite side of the planet, where the smugglers were unloading cargo on the opposite side of the planet with their cargo vessel, the Onan, Victor confronted the Captain of the Onan and informing him about the Covenant invasion happening on the other side of the planet, Victor eventually convinced the Captain to leave Harvest, avoiding the Covenant. Two years later Victor joined up with the UNSC, quickly ascending through the ranks as a Marine, reaching the rank of Staff Sergeant, he opted for O.D.S.T. training, and it proved a bit challenging for Victor, but he completed the training within three weeks. He was then assigned to the UNSC Frigate Forward Unto Dawn, but due to the Frigate needing newer technology and armor installed, Victor was transferred to the Paris-Class Heavy Frigate UNSC Savannah, and stationed at Reach, the UNSCs fortress world, which held a large amount of the UNSCs military forces, Reach was also the birthplace of the Spartans, heavily augmented super soldiers designed to fight the Covenant.

CREATOR ID: e36e71
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: ODST: Hey can anyone find my clone trooper sprite?

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