And one more fact before I leave. You always turn the tables and dump shit on us when we try to help or say something good, like giving advice. You hurt Chris by doing that, though I couldn`t give three fucks. You`ll be the death of PAM as we know it, as you`ve said it`s the end about 3 times now. Chew on that shit for a while..... ~BD has signed off.

And one more fact before I leave. You always turn the tables and dump shit on us when we try to help or say something good, like giving advice. You hurt Chris by doing that, though I couldn`t give three fucks. You`ll be the death of PAM as we know it, as you`ve said it`s the end about 3 times now. Chew on that shit for a while..... ~BD has signed off.

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Description: DISCLAIMER! This is just an edit of someone else's sprite! This is the original:

CREATOR ID: 752b4c
VIEWS: 102
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: Boarderline (Final [?] Edit)

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator