oh looks at that! we got a funny guy here! pretending to be a dog or cat is what somebody started but instead of just being what everyone thinks being a furry is we are actually a wholesome people we can help or tear apart someone's life, we are the people that are the nicest you ever meet! so you aren't EVER gonna be a fur you're gonna a skin pelt on the floor of some furries cabin cloor

oh looks at that! we got a funny guy here! pretending to be a dog or cat is what somebody started but instead of just being what everyone thinks being a furry is we are actually a wholesome people we can help or tear apart someone's life, we are the people that are the nicest you ever meet! so you aren't EVER gonna be a fur you're gonna a skin pelt on the floor of some furries cabin cloor

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Description: -Fallen Changes Sans -Warrior -Edited by Hammy

CREATOR ID: d0ac6b
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Fuck- Uh there we go. Hammy

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