well can I like edit this completely bc I can't really tell where each part of the body is on the original sprite. (Sayori)

well can I like edit this completely bc I can't really tell where each part of the body is on the original sprite. (Sayori)

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Description: (Made by Just-Comic)borrowed and eddited by shade all credit to comic for head and faces i added three the colors,body and legs are by me/Syleaf name was shade and NO IM NOT A SANS FANGIRL!!!!!!!! (amiko's older sister even tho we look alot diffrent)(comic told me i could make my oc on this base)

CREATOR ID: baf04b
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: comic kinda does own most of it only the head was what he doesnt own the body on comic's was made by me and i mostly changed everything on this sprite* :Syleaf

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator