Mocha, you know how guilty I feel about what I did. That hasn't really stopped. I just thought... well, you might not believe me anyway. But I thought if I was allowed to take over in dire situations, it might help Chris. Especially in fights. I'll do anything it takes to win a battle, and I'm not afraid to attack anybody. So if Chris gets too weak or can't bring himself to do what needs to be done... he can let me take over, and we'll be satisfied with nothing less than total victory.

Mocha, you know how guilty I feel about what I did. That hasn't really stopped. I just thought... well, you might not believe me anyway. But I thought if I was allowed to take over in dire situations, it might help Chris. Especially in fights. I'll do anything it takes to win a battle, and I'm not afraid to attack anybody. So if Chris gets too weak or can't bring himself to do what needs to be done... he can let me take over, and we'll be satisfied with nothing less than total victory.

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Description: | Name: Chris Deadman | Age: 19 | Species: Human | LV: 25 | HP: 75/210 [150 normally, Terrie`s soul boosts it by 60; with full DETERMINATION, it gets boosted to 2100; if Chris dies, Terrie`s soul will break apart instead, saving Chris from truly dying] | ATK: 250 | DEF: 25764 (14 normally, Locket boosts it by 25000, Boarder's soul adds 100, Terrie`s soul adds 650) | Essence: Infinite | Quiet, analytical, not very expressive, confirmed psychopath | Asexual, panromantic | Ambient Theme: | Analysis Theme: | Battle Theme: \\Lovely sprite made by the equally lovely Derp!\\

CREATOR ID: 90896a
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Okay, I've done all the homework I can muster, I've got tomorrow off so I'll be fine. I'm jumping back in, just give me another minute.

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