Red Heart Diamond Sylveon (Upset/Confused) Her Fight! - TGW

Red Heart Diamond Sylveon (Upset/Confused) Her Fight! - TGW

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Description: PART 1 PART 2 First of all I just felt like making it as if it were a UT fight because why not? now you can imagine the whole fight! (Here's The Fight Song ) Red Heart Diamond Sylveon} Why did you leave me behind? I ALMOST GOT KILLED BECAUSE OF YOU!! Though... I can make this even... EITHER I KILL YOU OR ALMOST KILL YOU! IT'S WHAT YOU GET! *Red Heart Diamond Sylveon Attacks you* *She takes out her cards and attacks you with them* [Fight Back?] [You Choose No] Red Heart Diamond Sylveon} Dear lord you can't fight me? gosh this is gonna be easy! *she keeps attack though you dodged most of her moves* Red Heart Diamond Sylveon} Grrrrrr *she continues to attack while you don't fight back but you just spare her* Red Heart Diamond Sylveon} You can't make up what you did to me! You left me behind! *she starts to power up for a strong move* [You continue to spare her] Red Heart Diamond Sylveon} IF YOU DON'T FIGHT BACK ALL YOU'RE GONNA GET IS BEING KILLED!! *she is ready to attack and uses Hyper Beam* [You blocked it though you were hurt...] Red Heart Diamond Sylveon} Cmon! Fight! *she gets ready to use a Z move but... it's impossible for her to use Never Ending Nightmare though she pulled it off somehow* Red Heart Diamond Sylveon} HA! You forgot didn't you? From my previous forms I was part ghost so I am able to use it! *she keeps attacking while you just spare her* Red Heart Diamond Sylveon} why do you keep sparing me? *she stands there wondering* Red Heart Diamond Sylveon} CMON! STOP IT! *she attacks you a little bit* Red Heart Diamond Sylveon} grrrr... *she starts to get a little confused* Red Heart Diamond Sylveon}Why are you just standing there? [You just continue to spare her] Red Heart Diamond Sylveon} What are you trying to get from this? Hmmm? *she stares at you with concern* Red Heart Diamond Sylveon} Well? *she slightly attacks you* Red Heart Diamond Sylveon} Are you gonna fight or die? *she started looking upset* Red Heart Diamond Sylveon} Why are you doing this? *she attacks you with her cards* Red Heart Diamond Sylveon} I'm confused... please... JUST FIGHT ME! *she attacks you with Hyper Beam once again* Red Heart Diamond Sylveon} Why are you just standing there...? *she starts to kneel down* Red Heart Diamond Sylveon} I feel... as if I am becoming... A KILLER once again... *she looks down with concern* Red Heart Diamond Sylveon} I... I... *a tear drips from her face* *she starts to sound... demontic?* Red Heart Diamond Sylveon} WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF THE DEAD... NOW I'LL SLEEP FOREVER... NEVER WAKE UP... PLEASE... DON'T LEAVE ME HERE... FOR ALL ETERNITY... [TO BE CONTINUED!!]

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 116
AGE: 7 years old

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