a Firel is instead of fire as it's name may intend they're actually earth enemies, the looks like half-formed stone golems and main for of attacking is throwing large rocks or with Sword Firels attack using a large rock sword -W/S

a Firel is instead of fire as it's name may intend they're actually earth enemies, the looks like half-formed stone golems and main for of attacking is throwing large rocks or with Sword Firels attack using a large rock sword -W/S

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Description: -Senshi | Species: Slime | Height: Not Certain | Weight: also not certain | Relationships: Warrior(friend), Atari(lover)

CREATOR ID: d0ac6b
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: "Added for little expressions that alter depending on the mood or environment... First two are just "Neutral" than the next two are fear and anger... There are also two other bodies to the sides that`s just normal and heavy gravity, or whatever... So yeah..... I also didn`t really wanna alter the clothes too much cause of a few reasons... But here ya go!...

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