Anau, Terrie is pretty much goin down the trisha paytas route and its kinda sad but also funny that those two can be compared

Anau, Terrie is pretty much goin down the trisha paytas route and its kinda sad but also funny that those two can be compared

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Description: Tome was a magician at one point who was known for his magic and combat skill. he had a friend who he would teach magic to often, but Ash one night tried to kill Tome with his one of his own Scythes. she failed but the lower part of his face became disfigured. he once in a while will cut open his own face to speak but other than that he just drags his scythe along the ground cutting anything down thats unlucky enough to get in his way. abilities: Blind rage: 15% more damage dealt but 25% more damage received Scythe grab: Grabs the person and proceeds to swing his scythe down on them. Slice: Picks up the scythe and attempts to cut the person in half Charge: Runs at the enemy while swinging his scythe around at very fast speeds a Smile for the one who left: extends his left arm and tries to grab someone by the throat. if he succeeds the person loses all their defense and attack for 1 turn(can still dodge) Teleport:Can teleport to anywhere he see's BUT he cannot teleport during a fight or his hp goes down to 1. Buffs/passives: a Magicians secret: when below 100 hp 50% chance to do a extra 50% damage when using magic The past is my future: when reaching 25hp there's a chance he regenerates 28% of his hp. I will not fall!:at around 10-1 hp has a chance to transform into his 2nd form. 2nd form description: Tome slowly losing his mind lets his power slip out slightly. his only reason for going on? To get revenge on the person who Destroyed his face and made him live in pain for 15 years. Abilities: Bloodied Rage:32% more damage dealt but 26% more damage received. Scythe Grip:The Scythe pulls the person to them while Tome Raises his Scythe to slice them in half. The bloody grip of death: cuts himself doing 40 damage each slice(can go up to 4 times. dice roll higher than 2 is one slice,4 is the 2nd slice, 6 is the 3rd slice and 10 is the 4th slice) Hell on earth:Slams his scythe into the Ground multiple times as hard as he can then Sends out a powerful slice of energy that hits the target for 500 damage but his attack lowers by 50% for 5 turns after. Buffs/passives: The time we spent: 67% more damage dealt to humans and 30% more damage taken from humans. The abyss calls: at 100 or less hp chance to transform into final form if your dice roll gets 10 or more. The magicians Downfall: at 200hp rolls 2 dice if 9 or more 70% more damage dealing magic but 50% more damage taken from magic. My past will not hold me: dice roll 10-12 and you get 40% of your hp back 3rd form discription.

CREATOR ID: cda17a
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: I make my abilities strong,but also make it so its either easy to get away from or its a self destruct move.

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