Mari Megibami - Ultimate Punk Guitarist

Mari Megibami - Ultimate Punk Guitarist

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Description: ✧Name: Mari Megibami ✧Alias(es): Mari-sama ✧Nicknames: Emo Girl (by Zaidan) ✧Gender: Female ✧Age: 16 ✧Birthday: 9/03 - Virgo ✧Super High School Level/Ultimate: Ultimate Punk Guitarist Ultimate Mafia Heiress (former) ✧Hair Style: Wavy high ponytail with light pink strands hanging out ✧Eye Color: Green ✧Height: 5'5" ✧Weight: 46.72 kg (103 lb) ✧Outfit(s): (Normal:) Short sleeved black shirt with burgundy red tie, plaid skirt, black and white striped stockings, black boots ✧Accessories: White bandanna-like ribbon, both ears have multiple piercings ✧Personality: Normally spunky and upbeat, however, is easily brought to depression at times due to trauma ✧Likes: Playing her bass, Boba, Different hairstyles ✧Dislikes: The Mafia, Zaidan, The government ☆ Phobias/Fears: Bees, Surgery ☆ General Weaknesses: Her rage. Due to emotional trauma, when really angry, her response triggers her to act very violent among others that she cares about. ☆ Skills: Agility, Precision, Boosted sense of hearing ☆ General Strengths: Her willingness of rebellion and her need to stand up for what's right. ✧Status: Dead (in game,) Alive (general world) ✧Murdered or Executed?: Executed ✧Execution: Revolution Execution. ✧Birthplace: Osaka, Japan ✧How They Discovered Their SHSL/Ultimate: It was her passion ever since she was a kid to make music and stand up for herself. ✧History: Mari was born into a rich mafia family, who were very strict about what the heirs and heiresses could do with spare time. Mari did not find any appeal to being the heiress, and instead wanted to focus on music with her brother, Kata. One day, her family caught her and her brother practicing, and were to be executed in front of the family for disobeying their parents. In the end, Kata was killed right in front of Mari. Mari was also to be executed, but the family took pity on her because she was the heiress, and instead emotionally abused her and forced her into rigorous combat training for years. One day, Mari had enough and decided to stand up to her parents. This ended in Mari getting disowned by her family and getting kicked out at the ripe age of 10. This is where she met Cole, who offered her to stay with him and go the school with him. She gladly accepted and entered Monocourt's School For Gifted Juveniles. However, the school had her listed as the Ultimate Mafia Heiress, which Mari requested to change to the Ultimate Punk Guitarist by playing one of her tracks in front of them. They were so amazed by her talent that they changed her title, but also assigned her to different gigs, which sold out quickly. Mari then became a well known musician, touring with different bands and artists as well. It is revealed that before the brainwashing, she joined Model UN due to her love of debating. ✧Family ☆ Unnamed mother, father, grandparents ☆ Kata (older brother, deceased)

CREATOR ID: 45bea7
AGE: 3 years old

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