I was playing a game based on D-Day. Apparently using actual Western Allies infantry tactics in-game proved useful. Keep getting shot by the MG42s and FG42s? Just only advance from your position during the 7 seconds that the machinegunners are changing barrels/reloading. Want to pin down an enemy position and deal heavy fire with little more than a submachine gun? Just pop up, shoot at anything that moves for two seconds, and then duck back into your hole.

I was playing a game based on D-Day. Apparently using actual Western Allies infantry tactics in-game proved useful. Keep getting shot by the MG42s and FG42s? Just only advance from your position during the 7 seconds that the machinegunners are changing barrels/reloading. Want to pin down an enemy position and deal heavy fire with little more than a submachine gun? Just pop up, shoot at anything that moves for two seconds, and then duck back into your hole.

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CREATOR ID: 9bdd95
AGE: 3 years old

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