Listen... Both of us really have no fucking clue, on where he went, what happened to him, why he just up and left and without him no Terrie... And really what is no Terrie, gonna do?... Well who KNOWS, what would happen... Without Terrie, his AU forms, go haywire and relentless... Horror Terrie, WILL kill you... Same with Dust, Killer and Insanity Terrie... Error, Fatal Error, and Virus Terrie... Would send most of his puppets into a living hell... Taking them out and basically never having them come back, which is bad... [[More text please hold...]]

Listen... Both of us really have no fucking clue, on where he went, what happened to him, why he just up and left and without him no Terrie... And really what is no Terrie, gonna do?... Well who KNOWS, what would happen... Without Terrie, his AU forms, go haywire and relentless... Horror Terrie, WILL kill you... Same with Dust, Killer and Insanity Terrie... Error, Fatal Error, and Virus Terrie... Would send most of his puppets into a living hell... Taking them out and basically never having them come back, which is bad... [[More text please hold...]]

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Description: Terrie's red soul side being... TerraNexis...

CREATOR ID: 63ceb7
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: [[-Waiting-]]

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator