( I once had an argument with another person about tools. The other person said that the definition of tools would make everything a tool, since the definition is close to "An object or item that is used to participate in a certain task" and me and the other person were arguing about "nO a ToOl iS a SpEcIfIc tHiNg" and the other person said "nO iF yOu hAd A jOb cUtTiNg dOwN tReEs YoU nEeD tHe TrEe To CaRrY oUt ThE jOb, ThErEfOrE iT iS a ToOl" )

( I once had an argument with another person about tools. The other person said that the definition of tools would make everything a tool, since the definition is close to "An object or item that is used to participate in a certain task" and me and the other person were arguing about "nO a ToOl iS a SpEcIfIc tHiNg" and the other person said "nO iF yOu hAd A jOb cUtTiNg dOwN tReEs YoU nEeD tHe TrEe To CaRrY oUt ThE jOb, ThErEfOrE iT iS a ToOl" )

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Description: [ Credit to grim for sprite ]

CREATOR ID: 77b851
AGE: 3 years old

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