Look at my smile im so dang happy!! When im sad and lonly i like to sing this song It cheers me up and shows me that i wont be sad for long Ohohoh!! Im so happy i can barely breathe Puppy dogs sugar frogs and kittens baby teeth Look out all you mothers im happy as hard core Happy as a coupon for a 20 doller whore hehehehe Im so happy im sugar- coated me Happy good anger bad thats my Philosophy!! Welcom to my happy world Now get your stuff and STAY!!

Look at my smile im so dang happy!! When im sad and lonly i like to sing this song It cheers me up and shows me that i wont be sad for long Ohohoh!! Im so happy i can barely breathe Puppy dogs sugar frogs and kittens baby teeth Look out all you mothers im happy as hard core Happy as a coupon for a 20 doller whore hehehehe Im so happy im sugar- coated me Happy good anger bad thats my Philosophy!! Welcom to my happy world Now get your stuff and STAY!!

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Description: Hewwo, I'm Kawai Kat, I'm 17 years old, and I am 5 foot and 3 centimeters tall. Sorry if I seem slow or don't understand, I'm mentally disabled.

CREATOR ID: c91422
AGE: 3 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator