its complicated. So they were separate entities but I became a part of them. I didn't control their minds. What I would do was take control of little parts of them at a time like an arm or their legs. Then I made it so that they slowly learned about me. I never controlled their minds. But I converted them by taking parts of their body into my control then giving them back that part.

its complicated. So they were separate entities but I became a part of them. I didn't control their minds. What I would do was take control of little parts of them at a time like an arm or their legs. Then I made it so that they slowly learned about me. I never controlled their minds. But I converted them by taking parts of their body into my control then giving them back that part.

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Description: Gaster for UNDERSTORY, my UNDERTALE fan game

CREATOR ID: ae61c8
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Dr. W.D. Gaster

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator