What even- The fuck you call that FORK of a hand an edit? HELL NO. Just because "Oh I own 50 AU-" Shut the fuck up nobody gives a shit. BOARDER ISN`T EVEN A SANS, JACKASS. First you stole my DREAM without credit, and I was chill about that. Uncool, but hey, it`s not even mine. BUT BOARDER. FUCKING WITH BOARDER?! THAT`S CROSSING A GOD DAMN LINE.

What even- The fuck you call that FORK of a hand an edit? HELL NO. Just because "Oh I own 50 AU-" Shut the fuck up nobody gives a shit. BOARDER ISN`T EVEN A SANS, JACKASS. First you stole my DREAM without credit, and I was chill about that. Uncool, but hey, it`s not even mine. BUT BOARDER. FUCKING WITH BOARDER?! THAT`S CROSSING A GOD DAMN LINE.

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Description: Classic!Boarder (PAM Version...but something is...wrong.) | Edited by Boarderline263 | HP: 0.1 | ATK: 999 | DEF: 100 | *Something seems off about his usual happy and light atmosphere... | Do not edit without permission.

CREATOR ID: 752b4c
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Boarderline: The Start Of Obsession

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