Ah, yes... Can`t forget SlendyTubby`s... Not only did you have a stupid story line making the god damn hoover, the main foe of the whole thing but making them into mutants?... Bitch, you think that is gonna scare me when all you`re gonna do is make me think of is "The hulk"... What about that iconic scream?... Yeah they stole that and yet it really doesn`t move me... Also where and why did you add quick time events? Those ruin the whole horror thing...

Ah, yes... Can`t forget SlendyTubby`s... Not only did you have a stupid story line making the god damn hoover, the main foe of the whole thing but making them into mutants?... Bitch, you think that is gonna scare me when all you`re gonna do is make me think of is "The hulk"... What about that iconic scream?... Yeah they stole that and yet it really doesn`t move me... Also where and why did you add quick time events? Those ruin the whole horror thing...

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Description: -Terrie [Mental state: To tears] | Allern... The Irish fox...

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: "Save...

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