[Era 3. Demon Era] So T comes back home and lives normally without any problem, but Shadow T ruins that by possessing him and forcing him to watch his body kill his friends and Family. But he widespread heals them, and Shadow T lives....well...in the shadows for now, but stress takes its toll.
![[Era 3. Demon Era] So T comes back home and lives normally without any problem, but Shadow T ruins that by possessing him and forcing him to watch his body kill his friends and Family. But he widespread heals them, and Shadow T lives....well...in the shadows for now, but stress takes its toll.](https://pixelartmaker-data-78746291193.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/image/f78030aec65db42.png)
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Description: A nice guy that greets everyone that he meets. Once a very hated certain Orange and Blue person.I'm changing myself, however to be better, and less hated hopefully, cause nobody cared when I "Left" Sorry bout that rant, He has the same basic abilities as Ink. However he makes people happy instead of protecting the universe. Credits to Warrior for the original sprite.