[Era 3. Demon Era] So T comes back home and lives normally without any problem, but Shadow T ruins that by possessing him and forcing him to watch his body kill his friends and Family. But he widespread heals them, and Shadow T lives....well...in the shadows for now, but stress takes its toll.

[Era 3. Demon Era] So T comes back home and lives normally without any problem, but Shadow T ruins that by possessing him and forcing him to watch his body kill his friends and Family. But he widespread heals them, and Shadow T lives....well...in the shadows for now, but stress takes its toll.

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Description: A nice guy that greets everyone that he meets. Once a very hated certain Orange and Blue person.I'm changing myself, however to be better, and less hated hopefully, cause nobody cared when I "Left" Sorry bout that rant, He has the same basic abilities as Ink. However he makes people happy instead of protecting the universe. Credits to Warrior for the original sprite.

CREATOR ID: f455be
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: [Era 3. Demon Era] So T comes back home and lives normally without any problem, but Shadow T ruins that by possessing him and forcing him to watch his body kill his friends and Family. But he widespread heals them, and Shadow T lives....well...in the shadows for now, but stress takes its toll.

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