lol imagine a 13 year old starting world war 3 and world war 3 starts the soviet union back up then germany gets mad for power so then its that 1 13 year old and the u.s army and air force vs germany and russia lol -MOAU

lol imagine a 13 year old starting world war 3 and world war 3 starts the soviet union back up then germany gets mad for power so then its that 1 13 year old and the u.s army and air force vs germany and russia lol -MOAU

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Description: credit to pongy, credit to lebryan.j for body.... KING PAPYRUS- atk 460, def 900, the king of all monster kind...likes to say NYYH HMH HMH...also NOT A PEDO

CREATOR ID: 450a4c
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: because i want to so stfu) -MOAU

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