Pixel map of MY earth Sprite

Pixel map of MY earth Sprite

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Description: the lines on the map are countrys the colors dont mean anything there just there to mark the boarders the places where the boarders are are part of the countrys territory the red letters are abreaviations of the contenants, I.C is Isermac, H.S is Hermilles, C.A is Cameranara, L.M is Larmia, S.M is San' Marthiania, S.I is South Isermac. The greyish pixels are mountains; the white is ice. the yellow dots are the country capitals; the dindgy yellow dots are the most populated cities

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 383
AGE: 6 years old
BASED ON: Sans' Sprite

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator