But I still can't live a life. I can't stay alone. Every friggin day there's some idiot e-mailing me "Uh.. doy, can you d-draw me a soccer ball?" I respond in the angriest way, then walk away. I can't deal with so much.

But I still can't live a life. I can't stay alone. Every friggin day there's some idiot e-mailing me "Uh.. doy, can you d-draw me a soccer ball?" I respond in the angriest way, then walk away. I can't deal with so much.

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Description: Fuzi | Guardian of the PRISM | ATK: 250 | DEF: 300 | HP: 300 | Would prefer to avoid conflict. Is the talkative type, yet takes quick to anger. If PRISM breaks, his power will go uncontrolled. The elements will go rouge, light will stop flowing to the Earth, Armageddon will arrive. | Abilities: Bending/Refraction of light and the elements. | Battle Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09CWWgwhBPk | PRISM theme : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0m7OAB_ewQ | Last Stand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-OfiCGAd6U | OC made and used by Gunther.

CREATOR ID: 038bf1
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: *Grabs a pencil and writes on his screen...*

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