Lumen- im not demonizing i just like having conversations. ive never said you were a bad person or anything, just that i disagree. And im not bickering i just like talking and you're framing it as a loud argument that we shouldnt be having bbut i just want a chance to talk

Lumen- im not demonizing i just like having conversations. ive never said you were a bad person or anything, just that i disagree. And im not bickering i just like talking and you're framing it as a loud argument that we shouldnt be having bbut i just want a chance to talk

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Description: Owned by Toggle in touch on Insta (toggle_arts), Scratch (Toggle_Arts), and DA (ToggleArtz Ocs I own- Rori Aviva

CREATOR ID: 005fa5
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Lumen- who cares if it's "not original" they enjoy it. Nothing is original any more its what you do with it that it.

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