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Description: [Insert Mr. `50s Man Intro in black-and-white here.] In 1958, FBI Agent, Dick Jet was kidnapped. "Hey, what`s the big idea?!" and cryogenically frozen by a diabolical Nazi scientist. [Text appears, titled "Achtung, Superkalt" (Warning, super cold), and the Nazi does epik evil laugh. Audio of famous events plays in the background.] "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do-" "One small step for man" "I choose everything I do" "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall" "-Not, have, sexual relations with that woman" "My God". He awoke in the future world of 2045, a terrifying, dystopian apocalypse. [Mr. `50s Man gasps when he reads that the Montgomery Bus Boycott was successful.] He started his own detective agency there, and now this G-Man from the past is solving the crimes of the future the old-fashioned way. [Mr. `50s Man snatches a "Healthcare For All" sign from a protestor, throws it to the side, grabs the protestor, yells "C`mere!", and punches the protestor in the face.] He`s always keeping vigilant on the ever-present threat of international Communism. He`s the hero America needs... he is... the Mr. `50s Man!

CREATOR ID: 4786e7
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Between the two countries I mentioned prior, the Isle of Mann, or Mann, is technically not an overseas territory of the UK, but rather a crown dependency.

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