Ah! Chris, I owe ya. *a green shield formed around his friends and him, protecting them from outside attacks, but allowing inside attacks to go through. Menaing....On the inside, you`re safe and can attacked, on the outside, you`re fucked.*

Ah! Chris, I owe ya. *a green shield formed around his friends and him, protecting them from outside attacks, but allowing inside attacks to go through. Menaing....On the inside, you`re safe and can attacked, on the outside, you`re fucked.*

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Description: HP: 0.1 | DEF: 30 (when he's feeling extreme emotion, it boosts to 180) | ATK: 10 (used to be 1983) | Powers: Healing, teleportation, glitching, the ability to withstand large amounts of pain, firey eyes | Sanity: 50% (always) | Crush/Relationship: Chris | Can and WILL kill you if you touch Chris in the wrong way.

CREATOR ID: 752b4c
AGE: 5 years old
BASED ON: .......

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator