Just came to say that thing will get better if you believe they will for long enough.... but I hope whatever happens, you end up getting a break like you deserve. I'll be here to care when nobody else does. -T

Just came to say that thing will get better if you believe they will for long enough.... but I hope whatever happens, you end up getting a break like you deserve. I'll be here to care when nobody else does. -T

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Description: -Terrie |

CREATOR ID: 990543
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Hello? Oh, hey there so I`m just stopping by to leave a quick message. "I'm sorry. But this is just for the better of everyone else. Even you, cause I can't let my anger get the better of me anymore and make me hurt anyone I care for. So just. This is just- The end. My goodbye cause I have no way to fix this no more chances to take. So. I'll just rot in hell. I had a good run at first but it only went wrong like everything else so I'll see whoever else joins me in hell."

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