-He tries to sit up, but since it's water, he just suddenly drops in-

-He tries to sit up, but since it's water, he just suddenly drops in-

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Description: Made, and used, by Skeld. Skeld V. 0.5 Skeld, is what seems to be an anthropomorphic wolf. He originates from Oregon, because yeah. He apparently doesn't receive the effects of smoking, for some reason. Also, he has a thigh fetish. Now, for the actually important stuff, He moved to PAM a few years ago, and when it showed signs of people randomly disappearing or leaving, he moved back. He visits every once in a while, raiding abandoned stores for fun. (okay, NOW it's the important part.) Skeld seems to break the fourth wall. Why? I dunno. He can also somehow phase through the different planes of PAM. He can also just, fucking revive, somehow. ...I don't know what else to put here, so uh... ye-

CREATOR ID: 18f118
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: When the.

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