Lina (COMPLETED!) Created By TGW

Lina (COMPLETED!) Created By TGW

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Description: Beginning of Story: On Lina's 7th birthday she was playing hide 'n' seek with her friends but sadly... they never found her or they just forgot about her though her birthday party ended as a... nightmare... Her birthday party took place in a place called Mew's Play Arena and once she came out of hiding... the place was shut down, lights off as well. Once she wondered around trying to find a working but as though she thought there was a security guard... she started finding blood... so once she stopped following it she thought she saw Mew and so on the wall it said 'RUN!!!' so she started running but... it was too late... That's the end of the story... for now...

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 168
AGE: 7 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator