Anyways, my friends and I were playing minecraft, and they needed an ancient monument. I used different stones to make the head of Sanses Overworld sprite, and used blue glass and a sea lantern to light up his eye. They were gone, so I went deep underground and made it so that Megalovania endlessly loops forever faintly around the monument.

Anyways, my friends and I were playing minecraft, and they needed an ancient monument. I used different stones to make the head of Sanses Overworld sprite, and used blue glass and a sea lantern to light up his eye. They were gone, so I went deep underground and made it so that Megalovania endlessly loops forever faintly around the monument.

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Description: Muffet T. Hp 500 Attack 300 defense 100 |Want a Minecraft Banner? Only if you have 9999 gold! Ahuhuhuhu~ Are you gonna pass up a great deal like that or am I gonna have to beat it out of you? | Battle Theme: | Music Theme: | Cheeky Bastard theme: | Another T redesign? This is what you voted for. Yep. So T is now Muffet. Or at least, an AU of Muffet. He sells Minecraft Banners and attacks you for taking one and not paying. (You need a banner to continue on, but they are overpriced) |

CREATOR ID: 05b0c1
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: (Save)

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator