CT BEAT ME Let's learn how to tie a noose, It's easy if you're not obtuse. All you need is a piece of rope, And abandon all your hope. You make a loop and the snake goes down, But changes his mind and turns around. And climbs back up to the top again. This is where the fun begin, You take the snake and spiral down, And at the bottom, what has he found? The snake goes into the rabbit's hole. Then you give the top a pull Now, it's ready for your use. This is how you tie a noose.

CT BEAT ME   Let's learn how to tie a noose, It's easy if you're not obtuse. All you need is a piece of rope, And abandon all your hope. You make a loop and the snake goes down, But changes his mind and turns around. And climbs back up to the top again. This is where the fun begin, You take the snake and spiral down, And at the bottom, what has he found? The snake goes into the rabbit's hole. Then you give the top a pull Now, it's ready for your use. This is how you tie a noose.

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Description: Hewwo, I'm Kawai Kat, I'm 17 years old, and I am 5 foot and 3 centimeters tall. Sorry if I seem slow or don't understand, I'm mentally disabled.

CREATOR ID: c91422
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: *Nuzzles tiny timmy*

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