Heerrr, durrr I`ll never, get to even do my arc!....

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Description: [[Justin]] Skeletal Terrie; Age: 41; Height: 5" 4'; Weight: 10 kg; Once a dog with a feather'd tail; He's also German | Yes it's my OC Furry Fursona, but now dead, and reanimated... |Anti-Copy: Goopi made this | [Terrie: ATK: 10 | DEF: 55,000 | SPD: 1,800 | LV: -35 | HP: 750 | Every time, his HP, hits zero, he just falls apart, yet his bones cannot be broken, and after awhile, he'll just rebuild himself | Comes from a realm of beings that are very OP, he loves to make friends rather than enemy`s!]
CREATOR ID: | 95be89 |
VIEWS: | 29 |
AGE: | 5 years old |
BASED ON: | ... [[Changed the DESC, a little...]] |