[[Warrior, please... Give, Atari, a break... I used to use more than one character and all that but just doing too many RP`s, at once yes, even two can be kinda annoying to do..... Like, Chris [Kayla]... He was just the main guy- Girl, to RP with and really, I kinda stopped RPing, with her at times cause she was like always forced into a RP, I`m sure she was getting a bit annoyed and burnt out being the main focus all the time..... Sides, I`d like to RP, with you, if you want.....]]

[[Warrior, please... Give, Atari, a break... I used to use more than one character and all that but just doing too many RP`s, at once yes, even two can be kinda annoying to do..... Like, Chris [Kayla]... He was just the main guy- Girl, to RP with and really, I kinda stopped RPing, with her at times cause she was like always forced into a RP, I`m sure she was getting a bit annoyed and burnt out being the main focus all the time..... Sides, I`d like to RP, with you, if you want.....]]

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Description: -Terrie

CREATOR ID: 63ceb7
AGE: 3 years old

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