well then ink... Puts inks SOUL into a box which it cant escape...) im not going to kill you im just going to make you think for a while

well then ink... Puts inks SOUL into a box which it cant escape...) im not going to kill you im just going to make you think for a while

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Description: switch!sans lv2 hp:30 atk 5 def 1 becomes stronger when mad mad switch!sans lv 12 hp: 123 atk: 50 def:10 but he rarly gets mad XP on death enough to get one LV everytime hes killed

CREATOR ID: 8f8dfb
VIEWS: 128
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5-oOeBO4bo&t=7s plays* error im going to finish you off quicker..

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