While leather stretchers are most common, other models are made of steel rings that are fastened with screws causing additional, mildly uncomfortable weight to the wearer. The length of the stretchers may very from 1-4 inches, and the steel models can weigh up to 5 pounds. Section 3: Parachute. A parachute is a small collar usually made from leather which fastens around the scrotum, and from which weights can be hung. Conical is shape, with 3 or 4 short chains having beneath to which weight can be applied.

While leather stretchers are most common, other models are made of steel rings that are fastened with screws causing additional, mildly uncomfortable weight to the wearer. The length of the stretchers may very from 1-4 inches, and the steel models can weigh up to 5 pounds. Section 3: Parachute. A parachute is a small collar usually made from leather which fastens around the scrotum, and from which weights can be hung. Conical is shape, with 3 or 4 short chains having beneath to which weight can be applied.

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Description: Allan [Terrie]; Age: 18; Height: 8' 4; Weight: 40 kg; A dog-dragon hybrid with a feather'd tail, wished he was a cat instead; He's Swedish | Anti-Copy: Goopi made this |

CREATOR ID: 583245
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: That chat has slowed fucking massively, just outta nowhere. So I'm gonna just edit some of the sprites I have.

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