a'ight, so, basically, member B (18 y/o) regularly did sexual roleplays with member N (14 y/o) in N's server. N had a channel for NSFW RPs in their server, and they had a whole... ***thing*** with B. it was in a different server (though the communities of the two servers are closely knit to some extent), but lemme just say, B is constantly gross and horny, and the 4 year age gap between N and B makes the whole situation gross and illegal as all hell.

a'ight, so, basically, member B (18 y/o) regularly did sexual roleplays with member N (14 y/o) in N's server. N had a channel for NSFW RPs in their server, and they had a whole... ***thing*** with B. it was in a different server (though the communities of the two servers are closely knit to some extent), but lemme just say, B is constantly gross and horny, and the 4 year age gap between N and B makes the whole situation gross and illegal as all hell.

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Description: i am going to fucking die

CREATOR ID: 55b2cc
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: this gallery is at a. *stand* still. please laugh or i will commit regicide. | -Oxithotten

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