I can`t really say I didn`t nothing wrong but damnit... Sometimes I just wanna bash some of you fuckers to death... Main you and BD... Why? Tsh... Why should I tell when you know the damn answer?... You two been nothing but cruel to me... And I WANT you two gone for good at this point... PAM maybe dying... But I`d rather have less people here... Main you "older" people... Less of the bullshit that you cause... Hehe... Oh man... Being emotionless is oddly weird but hey! At least I regret nothing!...

I can`t really say I didn`t nothing wrong but damnit... Sometimes I just wanna bash some of you fuckers to death... Main you and BD... Why? Tsh... Why should I tell when you know the damn answer?... You two been nothing but cruel to me... And I WANT you two gone for good at this point... PAM maybe dying... But I`d rather have less people here... Main you "older" people... Less of the bullshit that you cause... Hehe... Oh man... Being emotionless is oddly weird but hey! At least I regret nothing!...

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Description: -Terrie |

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: R/Im14andThisIsDeep : [Best post to me personally] : "OMG so I just figured out the word "hurt" it`s past, present and future; you will be hurt, you are hurt, you were hurt; BECAUSE IF SOMETHING TRULY HURT, IT NEVER REALLY STOPS" - ``you poetic little shit`` - "``it`s because... it`s an adjective... ...``"" - "``"you will be stupid, you are stupid, you were stupid"``"

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