000885 Meh, nobody ever seems to know. Also, hello. Don't think I've seen you on here before.
72a1a3 Nope I have no idea what is going one in the rp channel
3fcaee .... -Drone
74d5ce ...there should be a debate channel....yeah....
cb38c5 I Don't Interfere With Arguments, So... No -Lebryan J.
74d5ce I don’t have the slightest idea what is happening in the rp channel...does anyone here know?
96c78c WIP- switch
6a7b6a Finished I guess- Idk what other emotions to make-
96c78c WIP- switch
96c78c WIP- switch
18f49e -Syl is now dead-
96c78c *hits syl with a king deedee hammer and runs off* VENGEANCE IS SWEET!
18f49e i did it for no reason
0b51d0 We Got A. Number One Victory Royale, Yeah Fortnite We 'Bout To Get Down. (Get Down!) Ten Kills On The Board Right Now, Just Wiped Out Tomato Town.
cb38c5 Ow -Lebryan J.
18f49e (find her bat and smacks Lebryan out of chat)
842b2e hmm)
cb38c5 *Wakes Up* Huh? -Lebryan J.
18f49e . . . wheres my fucking bat
0b51d0 Ha- - S N O R E -
18f49e ah- its alright, i'll get sleep
cb38c5 Wel-*Falls Asleep* -Lebryan J.
0b51d0 Well, it happens to all of us.
96c78c sorry syl)
cb38c5 Well, Hope You Get More Sleep, Syl -Lebryan J.
cb38c5 I'm Doing, Great, Actually -Lebryan J.
18f49e im tired, i didnt sleep well last night
0b51d0 I'm good, for the most part.
96c78c how are you ...1..2..3...3 doing?)
cb38c5 Well, Hi Switch -Lebryan J.
0b51d0 Not this boi.
cb38c5 Don't People Open Doors Anymore? -Lebryan J.
96c78c hi)
0b51d0 -casually punches the chat door open- Hello, Switch.
18f49e probably, its usally active around this time . . . anyways hi switch
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