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lgbt gallery
Newest pixel art on the lgbt channel:
0b51d0 Hey. I'm Asexual.
d22096 Although I identify as gay, in truth I am pansexual and panromantic. My mother and "father" aren't aware of this and I would rather keep it that way.
752f20 happy pride month guys! I got my panromantic bow and demisexual flag. This is me! (fixed the background)
752f20 happy pride month guys! I got my panromantic bow and demisexual flag. This is me!
9f0de4 what did i ever do to you u peice of scrap metal?
9f0de4 shit meant for rp.
9f0de4 sure.
9f0de4 H1 k1d$$!11!1 theres nothing better than being hugged by some1 u like. ut if some1 trys to touch u in a spot or place u dont like, DaT$ n0 gO0d!!111! first, u get out of there!!111! then tell an adult like a the police a parent BUT NOT UR UNCLE -sonic sez
b9de0d STOP POSTING ABOUT TIKY! I'M TIRED OF SEEING IT! My friends on Funkipedia send me memes, on r/madnesscombat its freaking memes, I was in Nevada right? AND ALLLLL the stuff was just TIKY, I-I showed my epic hank goggles to my girlfriend and she was like "Yeah that's cool but a TIKY mask would be better." I SEE A GREEN GRUNT WITH TEETH AND I'M LIKE TRICKY? MORE LIKE TIKY! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
490418 edit.
93d1fc DOOM's 1,2 SHOTGUN
9d3404 shit that was meant for RP
9d3404 > I'm Ke$ha again now lol - Ke$ha
9d3404 what is this flag (not bi)
bd7a08 Happy Pride Month everyone :D !!!
5b62b0 its right there at the end of my last post-Bx
5b62b0 cuz where I live its 1:18.... listen..sure you are a nice guy and don't think I am saying no but for now just keep me on your relationship status boyfriend in your desc ok? ill edit mine too-Bx
490418 4:16 why?
5b62b0 ....ok, what time is it to you?-Bx
490418 and that was im ffor y..ou
5b62b0 k whats up?-Bx
490418 alright so the reason why i was huggin you is because i want to tell you something
5b62b0 yah sry so.....why were you hugging me?-Bx
490418 alright bx you here
490418 save
d54248 save
d54248 save
5b62b0 DAH- WAHUH?! I said I was pansexual! Not queer! But...I'm not pan anymore...I'm bisexual... -Adam
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