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lgbt gallery
Newest pixel art on the lgbt channel:
1f0934 From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal... ...even in death I serve the Omnissiah.
1f0934 Hey all you LGBT People? May I kindly ask how your relationship status with your father is?
fbde29 *Southern accent* I'm a human male, born male, and I only fuck women, none of that gay LGBTQ shiz.
fbde29 *Insert non-LGBTQ+ related item*
172196 gy scream
172196 blade of pride (sword big remake)
58db38 my pride
172196 pp
d6af15 i might not belong here...because im trans and les/gay-Kyara
072f0d The lesbian flag
75009f Pansexual flag square
75009f Pansexual flag tunnel
75009f Bi flag tunnel
75009f Bi flag square
3fd275 wavy bi flag
cbc897 terrie sans
106cff Corner Twisted
106cff Corner Twisted
106cff Corner Twisted
19b64c My Bi flag
afb245 Untitled
54e8c8 Bi bomb???
ef1c55 'shrooms 'n' potions
ef1c55 Todoroki
ef1c55 Jirou
ef1c55 part 3 of 3
ef1c55 part 2 of 3
ef1c55 part 1 of 3
072f0d MY REAL NAME IS urmom[From ollie]
34a881 Nezuko in a box, what will she do?
0885cb For The Pansexual
a7f364 My pride
80d95b (what should i name this human hes very short) nevermind ima stay here *walks over to autumn*
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