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random gallery
Newest pixel art on the random channel:
cde35d but instead,you had to stall your forces,make me want it even more,and worst of all...i actually don't have a third reason to be mad...
8dc32b so it's canceled
cde35d your fake blood-god would be disappointed in you!i was expecting lorrreee!!!!
8dc32b it would be boring...
79524f Good -Lebryan J.
cde35d aww...come on!!a massive clash between your powers and mine would be sick!!i was counting on a bunch of cultists to come up and try and burn my non-existent body!i expected creativity from you mortal!!
8dc32b don't worry, it's canceled
79524f Okay -Lebryan J.
8dc32b but i am already too powerful
cde35d although,um,Lebryan?you may want to get out of here when the cult shows up.
79524f I Guess -Lebryan J.
cde35d you know what i mean!
8dc32b swim
79524f Walk? -Lebryan J.
cde35d oh,hey Lebryan...i bet that was a weird thing to walk in on...
79524f Uh... -Lebryan J.
cde35d tell you what.if you can make a whole avatar and put me in it,i'll use it,and let you sacrufice me,if i don't become too powerful.ok?
8dc32b ok
cde35d yo.(do you recon that this guy and a few others can sacrufice me?)you?*snorts*you don't even have a real form!other then you in the real world,of cource.(see?thats all,unbeattable.)alright.cya!i'm getting out here before the haters start water-falling in.(good idea.)
8dc32b ok i'll go back to playing sonic 2- i mean practicing
8dc32b ok but remember that everyone is practicing
cde35d which is just how you know i'm,if you will.
8dc32b your id
cde35d can't sacrifice what you can't catch,now can you?
cde35d oh,sorry!there.better?
8dc32b even better, we will use your ID.
8dc32b we will use your screen color as your AVATAR.
cde35d i'm just characters wouldn't be too happy if a cult came along for their blood,but i made them powerful enough to take care of themselves.
cde35d didn't see that one comin',did ya'?
8dc32b now shush because everyone is practicing
8dc32b yes
cde35d should i feel concerned,or ignored that nobody is there yet?what,are you guys planning up a way to sacrifice me to a god of blood and death,or something?
cde35d oh,and if anyone wants to come and chat without all of my haters coming to skin me,type "friendly" into the channel thingy,where the word "random" is.or i'm just talking like an idiot and you guys already know how to change channel's.
8dc32b ok sg
cde35d no problem,a6dace!and just know that if you decide to change anything in the name or backstory,feel free to!and you wanna know what the funny thing is?i wasn't even using my brain when i made that story up!it was just one of the thousands of stories that i mind can just mass-produce for no reason.and thanks for the compliment!i don't often get out of my own channels very often because people think my stories and/or character's are "cringe",or "godmoding",but this time,i can make an exception.and call me sg,if you want.
a6dace hey cde35d. Thanks for the name suggestion. I like it a lot, and the story is amazing! I'll make sure to credit obvi. Thanks dude, or dudette.
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