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41e661 click my image idiot ) -Dominic (Hex)
7ce906 *(Then, he'd reach a cabin.) -Demented Sans
96ee64 If you didn't know that it "existed", you wouldn't have the sprite here. BUUUUuuuUuutT! You edited, recolored, added more stuff.
41e661 then click on my image m8 ) -Dominic (Hex)
48193a [Repost] *pats your head* -Whitty(John)
d8d976 -Repost- MaYbE iTs CaUsE yOu'Re NoT a GoOd ExAmPlE (-Hex)
0e94d7 *Lays on the wall, hoping to hear or see some action* - Jonsey
71ea35 YOU WANT TO PLAY EYE LETS PLAY THEN *starts rap battling it
96ee64 You can't take a sprite, recolor it, then claim it as "yours". You needed to find me or ask people if I was active (I was not here probably).
41e661 how was i suppost to know that, i just made it and didnt even know that existed ) -Dominic (Hex)
acbc50 [sits inside the big box fort]
ed44b7 In your head, you hear the word, Sorry...
7ce906 *(They'd make it out of the city, and into a cold snowy forest.) -Demented Sans
96ee64 I am focusing on the among us sprite, sorry for "abusing you", just credit me in the description for the original non-recolor, and we're good.
a23199 *backs up from the eye and looks at it
41e661 i dont remember that, i came in 2020 ) -Dominic (Hex)
ebf0c4 *he follows slowly behind demented*
0e94d7 *Drinks it, trying to find some peace* - Jonsey
96ee64 Even older version.
48193a *pats your head* -Whitty(John)
d8d976 (H e l l o Z a n e...S o r r y t h a t s l a t e... -Hex)
ed44b7 It screams in pain and fires a beam on mistack, do damege
41e661 so stop fucking abusing me for not giving you credit you dont even need, WITCH I SPENT HOURS MAKING THAT ) -Dominic (Hex)
96ee64 You mean take the sprite and recolor it?
71ea35 *looks into the alley way and touches the eye
96ee64 You didn't make this, I did. If you wont credit me GET MY SPRITE OUT OF THE DAMN CANVAS.
41e661 dude i made it all myself ) -Dominic (Hex)
ed44b7 Th light is back, but it does not want to hurt anyone, it appers into the latex alley, and crys a little...
41e661 YOU NEED PERMISSION TO USE IT ) -Dominic (Hex)
96ee64 Simple, if you're not gonna credit me get my sprite the fuck out of the canvas.
7ce906 If ya' wanna follow me, I won't stop you. *(Demented manually walks back home.) -Demented Sans
71ea35 *walks up to hex* whats up tv walking man
41e661 EXUSE ME ) -Dominic (Hex)
96ee64 Well, I know there's plenty of other stuff here. Kinda sus too, but.
41e661 cmon lets rp ) -Dominic (Hex)
96ee64 ...Are you ignoring me? ((DESC))
d8d976 *Puts her head on his lap* (-Hex)
71ea35 *throws a bottle at ruv head
0e94d7 *Takes out a bottle of potato liquor and looks at it closely* - Jonsey
41e661 Можем ли мы просто rp, дай мне просто получить hex rl быстро ) -Dominic (Hex)
acbc50 [surrounds the box fort with stones and branches]