097711 ...but all my knowledge is about history; particularly the Second World War...
965131 *insert butterfly*
c78a16 oh no, woof woof, i am woof turning into a woof woof dog
9551cd que?
9551cd i dont wanna learn history-
9551cd ah oki
097711 In 1000 BCE we find the earliest evidence of Native American tribes cultivating domesticated sunflowers. In 1580, almost a hundred years after they began colonising the Americas, Spanish explorers brought sunflower seeds across the pond and began growing them as ornamental garden crops. After the Second World War, the Russian oilseed variety was reintroduced to the U.S. Currently, almost half of the world's sunflower seeds come from Ukraine and the Russian Federation. The sunflower is even the national flower of Ukraine. Kansas (an American state) is known as the "Sunflower State."
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