490418 Owwww!your lucky i d-wait why do you have the same hair color as me? YOU RIP-OFF!
4e5ad6 *casually being way more more casually casual casual than the casuallest casually casuallest casually casual person here*
d003e2 !! TOM DONT HURT ME- -X1n0m
17d6d3 *behind tord* helo turd from addswarlds!
6cf85f not my problem!! *kicks his shin*-mini Elizabeth
6a7b6a *Casually being even more more casually casual casual than the casuallest casually casual person here*
490418 *walks to elizabeth* your brothers in my hair.
48193a *taps your shoulder* What music are you listening to? -Adam
6cf85f gonna sleep -mini C.C.
4e5ad6 *casually being more casually casual than the casuallest casual person here*
490418 what are you doing?
6a7b6a *Casually being more casually casual than anybody here*
48193a *listening to the music* Hm...interesting music... -Adam
6cf85f its c.c.! :3-mini C.C.
6cf85f *climbs up in the strangers hair and hides in it*-mini C.C.
4e5ad6 *casually being casualler than sy-fy being casual*
d92151 *you can hear the song from where you are at* -X1n0m
17d6d3 *casually being casual*
490418 oh snd whqats your name little boy?
48193a *sitting by the pond* -Adam
490418 *puts her down* here are the rules 1.NO BITING OR HURTING ME 2.you are free to grab anything you want from the cabinates and fridge 3. NO TOUCHING MY SWORD 4. you are also free to start fires in the fire place
0dabf0 *Casually playing The president has a sex tape while laying on a bench* -X1n0m
48193a ((Save)) -Amara
17d6d3 can i join da rp? ple s aep,l eas ple s a plese lplale spl please?
6cf85f what? you never said that i cant bite your face!-mini Elizabeth
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