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rp gallery
Newest pixel art on the rp channel:
965131 The shading looks good so far.
6a7b6a hey CV, can i have r e f e r e n c e ?
5b2f3e You aren't referring to Marble Frame CV, are you? I'm fine if it is Celeste
17d6d3 looks cool cv!
6a7b6a like how i did the Oreo and W.B. thing
5b2f3e WIP -CV (current opinions?)
4fbda4 you know im here right
6a27ef i meant juvie) - royal guard Chara
6a7b6a wait, wHaT iF i aLsO dRaW cV bOx-
17d6d3 wait, they aren't old enough to be arrested...
6a7b6a YEs, yEs, yOuR nExT fIrEwOrK- also t h a n k you
6a27ef *takes the children to the station* im sorry.. - royal guard Chara
965131 yee. brown shorts and mechanical legs and feet.
6a7b6a are there any l e g s ? if so, what do they l o o k l i k e ?
17d6d3 well, that happened.
94b0fa M E N E X T -FireWork
4fbda4 hotdog
965131 here's a ref.
6a7b6a ve-ve-venomu * A b r u p t P a u se * Y E S . waIt i nEeD rEfErEncE-
5b2f3e hands removed during shading, as I will be redoing them
0b51d0 oh, nevermind.)) "Really? Hell, you look like you're 12."
0b51d0 -default dances in ignored-
965131 oi, bagel, if you want to draw someone's character, you can do mine.
6a27ef im 39. - royal guard Chara
6a27ef this is how im treated , after i try to helwell , im sorry brother , this is why i never make promises, your under arrest *makes the children float and puts hand cuff over there hands* im sorry.. - royal guard Chara
6a7b6a aaaaaaaaaaand im back (wait who was i gonna draw next? i need a list...)
0b51d0 "Woah Woah Woah, you had children? How old are you?"
6cf85f well actually we are homeless. but we steal from others to be more powerful. as you can see, me and my sister are very vengeful. but our older brother is not. hes still a goodie two shoes. as our father is a child murder and we where his victims along with 6 others. we will take our leave now. -mini c.c. sibling stack
5b2f3e Working on the shading: also: reference, wholesome reference too:
4fbda4 a pretty out of thus world joke if i do say so my self heh heh
4fbda4 that was pretty out of this world
6a27ef this is how im treated , after i try to help you , homeless children , i welcomed you into my hone , i gave you money , the only reason i welcomed you children in is because you reminded me of my children.. - royal guard Chara
0b51d0 "...What just happened?"
4fbda4 they take a meteor shower
17d6d3 gtg might brb i dunno.
6a186e How? - BF
4fbda4 i told this one already... how do planets get clean
5b2f3e it's time to do the shading, and yes I have SSN Salty here too, as the best shading reference I could find was his pixel version
6a186e Good one - BF
6a27ef * makes the kids float and takes my money back* so , ive been dealing with lieing "homeless children"? get.out - royal guard Chara
4fbda4 oh wait it is you the one i rap battled with in some mod of your game
You can leave feedback about PAM here, but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!