000885 Anyways, because I'm bored and have nothing else to do, Gather link is in desc.
6d07bc Best cover ever: https://soundcloud.com/user-499100144/the-absolute-god-of-hyper-depthgoatye Also, uhh... My Xbox just thinks it's not connected... Which sucks because I REALLY want to play Fallout... -Jaden
000885 Ah, mine does that when you move it wrong. Literally, any movement and the controller shits itself and dies. It's wonderful.
6d07bc Wished I could play Fallout 4 all night long... But my Xbox is broken and keeps saying my controller disconnected... Which isn't true... And I replaced the batteries + updated the damn thing... Nothing... -Jaden
b08f0e it feels like a month almost
000885 Huh. I guess I haven't said "phoque" in a while, have I?
b08f0e wonder when e bag will spook us in Rp with the magical words "Bebe Phoque" and then proceed to disappear
000885 I think I may start a gather, if anyone wants to join. I don't have anything better to do.
6d07bc Hhhhh- -Jaden
0b1875 \Thanks,I just think the eyes look a bit off but thats probably just me,also brb
a533ca You cant. that's how bad it is
b08f0e ee
6d07bc Looks way better, Spring... -Jaden
0b1875 God how can I make this any worse?
000885 Also, yey, am unmutted.
000885 Who in the goddamn hell decides to test the EAS at 11 at fucking night?
6d07bc More progress... -Jaden
5b2f3e Nice, it’s actually in tact apart from a white glow
a533ca (looks like this-)
5b2f3e What does that look like when imported.
b08f0e back yet again with no sprite anymore sadly
5b2f3e Like anyone would care, here have a pixelated version for import https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/780348415972081684/923076886505070622/E6E3EA31-E9B5-4A6F-8776-6BE6229F0F9C.png
a533ca Beacuse it isn't
5b2f3e https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/748213164696666142/923076355636207668/B395E17E-D706-4B47-8084-7F018BC4353C.png It’s SO BAD WHY AM I PRAISED.
0b51d0 jedhuedhawgud8o9jwhduawnhdnawubdwabgduawh-
a533ca Hey louis im in pam-
769d0a Industrial Society. -David Trio
a533ca nevermind.
a533ca Back- also if your still on yes plant
6d07bc Mouth looks weird, eyes are too close together... -Jaden
9843cf Also how does my Roxy look,tell me what I should improve if there is anything?
6d07bc Hey! I'm finally unmuted! Finally! Now I won't look like I'm in the UK anymore... -Jaden
6d07bc Why does this actually look good... -Jaden
0b51d0 personally dunno, don't really feel like editing sprites right now. I'll still try tho-
9843cf Also this is reopened:https://objection.lol/courtroom/uyi8x3
9843cf Yeah you can edit this to make him look like,Joseph right?
0b51d0 =debybduabwuidwbghbdawd ok-))
9843cf Huh,well I have a Gregory sprite you can use if you want to
You can leave feedback about PAM here, but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!