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56d53a [Ekusukariba] [eku is the flattest female i have, andreas is close, i dont like big bahanalojangas ]
c314e2 that and IDFK how to draw breasts without errr. . . imma move on - Deadtale
c314e2 nearly 5 years of art and I never tried to do anything even remotely suggestive or. . .whatever, I acturally stray away from that, that acturtally why my female OCs are flat chested. . . - Deadtale
c6eeac And Im done fr,
4c1409 true, true. my fault original gangsta
44dd83 control yourself dell
56d53a [Ekusukariba] [good cuz thats my job on this site]
c314e2 uhm. . . yea I err. . . never had a thought of making something like that. . . - Deadtale
56d53a [Kaiki] [cant help it when you make characters that are thiccos, milfs, and dilfs]
c314e2 Imagine getting horny, couldn't be me - Deadtale
c314e2 I don't think theres any left freom those I genuinely disliked. . . - Deadtale
56d53a [Ekusukariba] [my kind as in gets bonked for horny]
c314e2 . . . wait - Deadtale
56d53a [Ekusukariba] [i still find it funny i have a good rep on this site even for the likes of my kind]
c314e2 Real, FUCK all porn spammers, I hope they rot in hell ONG. . . - Deadtale
56d53a [Ekusukariba] [i am not stupid enough to post porn in front of underaged people, i aint a Ks or a Terrie, against that shit]
c314e2 Aww hell naw, imma murdur whoever did that - Deadtale
c314e2 yea and so do a few others on there, it doesn't bother me, I aint into literal pixels on a screen anyways - Deadtale
56d53a [Ekusukariba] [someone impersonated me last year or the year before that posting my Century/CNTRY sprite naked]
56d53a [Ekusukariba] [i just use suggestive clothing]
c314e2 absolute curse on this world. . . - Deadtale
c314e2 IK that Eku, I'm glad they're all mostly gone honestly, I've always hateed porn - Deadtale
c314e2 I try to be friendly yet here I am in a world that hates me - Deadtale
56d53a [Ekusukariba] [im far from a porn spammer, i have yet to post porn in chat whatsoever, closest was that one suggestive pose of eku with her sword]
c314e2 how I've acxted before? yea I hate my life and where I went wrong with it. . . I just try to make do with what I've got, certain people like to fuckw ith that though - Deadtale
57dac4 Pestering fellow members, plus I heard about you and how you act ^^
c314e2 uhm, the fuck did I do? - Deadtale
57dac4 Hey, you should press that button on your device that looks like a circle with a line protruding out on the top and never use your device again, it will truly do us all a favour :D
c314e2 uhhh I've been told i'm a massive "prude", IG all the porn spammers here made me like that though - Deadtale
57dac4 I'm finna bout'a put Kron in suggestive clothing and this mf will still get mad despite the guy being pure fucking bones.
c314e2 been called way worse then that - Deadtale
57dac4 Is Deadtale being a stinky poopy face again.
c314e2 uh oops, i'm smol now - Deadtale
56d53a [Ekusukariba] [get a grip, anyways hi pam im back for real this ti-]
c314e2 1 - never saw the full sprite (I think) and 2 - I don't see it - Deadtale
56d53a [Ekusukariba] [and yet i used this all the time and you never spoke about it being distracting]
c314e2 ugh. . . some people too. . . - Deadtale
c314e2 I was on about that long ass text man, IDC how "sugfgestive" yo fit is unless it's obviously distracting - Deadtale
56d53a [Ekusukariba] [shutup this clothing choice isnt even close to as suggestive as others]
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